The idea of Klashdatowers actually started in 6 December 2024. I wanted to make a tower defence game, but not the typical tower vs enemies type game. Instead there are 2 teams, blue & red, each have 3 towers. The blue towers are on the left side of the empty map, & the red towers are the right side. Each side can spawn units or bots to try to destroy the enemy's team towers within a hectosecond (aka 100 seconds) if there's enough gold for both sides.
This photo shows early in dev gameplay of Klashdatowers. (6 December 2024)
I got to work on Klashdatowers with a timer on my mind as I don't like having an unfinished project on my computer heh. Every game, or other game asset I create has to be done so I don't feel like I am doing nothing.
As the many hours past, I have already made the graphics, sounds, & programming into the game. The menus were completed, & it's cool to see me be a little creative on the tower machines shooting at each other as an image on my main menu.
This photo shows the early in dev menu of Klashdatowers. (8 December 2024)
Right after that I added features like singleplayer mode, local 2 player mode, & theater mode if you are eating food while you watch both AI teams destroy each other.
After a few days of fixing glitches, I have had finally released Klashdatowers to the public. See the interesting singleplayer gameplay below.
This is a cool gameplay of Klashdatowers on released date. (14 December 2024)